Jigsaw the Game
Escape game 12+

Jigsaw the Game

2 - 6 people60 minutesDifficult
Why is it pitch black? Why are your hands chained? I love the darkness and the secret it holds. I'll come in an hour. Are you ready? Only an hour left for you. Try to escape, if you can!
ProfiWith childrenProfiLarge companyHorror

A bit scary
Without actorsActors
DeutschGame language
About the escape room

You're wondering why it's pitch-dark here? That's simple. The light is off. And that's a good thing. That's exactly how it's supposed to be. Otherwise, you would see all the blood on the walls. And you never know if everyone really likes that. Some say one thing and others... Well... Probably you also want to know why your hands are chained, right? That too is very simple. Because I love it. Fastened in the darkness. It's beautiful. Some would call it fate, but it's much simpler. That's exactly how it's supposed to be. If you weren't chained, you could turn on the light. I wouldn't like that. I think. And then there would be the story of the blood again. On the walls. On the ceiling. And of course on the floor. And who knows where else. As I said, whether each of you finds it beautiful, I really can't say. In an hour, I will come to visit you. I'm really looking forward to that. Very much. You must be curious about what I will do with you, right? You're allowed to be. Curious, I mean. You will see. And of course feel. As I said, in an hour. I'm already excited. About all of you. Many people know that we are together from today. Do you think they will try to come for you? They won't find you. Nobody will find you. You're with me. Of course, you can try to escape yourself. But I think you don't stand a chance. I will watch you. And always be with you. Just give it a try. There are plenty of clues - about how it could work - and puzzles too. And solvable tasks. Still, I don't believe in you. See you later. Remember. One hour.


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