Wewelsburger Bunker
Escape game 14+

Wewelsburger Bunker

2 - 6 people60 minutesDifficult
Due to an explosion in the bunker of 1945, you have been forgotten in prison. A lost bunch of keys could be your salvation. You have 60 minutes to escape the fire...
ProfiProfiLarge company

Not scary
Without actorsActors
DeutschGame language
About the escape room

You are in the year 1945, towards the end of the Second World War. You have been accused of espionage because you were trespassing in the forest near Wewelsburg. For this reason, you were directly incarcerated in the prison cells of the Wewelsburg bunker. You can't expect a fair trial. Shortly after your arrest, there is an explosion in the bunker. Loud siren tones can be heard, and an evacuation is underway. You prisoners, however, are ignored and simply forgotten. What you don't know is that the fire will reach your cells in 60 minutes. The alarm causes great unrest and the guard flees the cell block in panic. In the process, however, he loses his bunch of keys. This bunch of keys could help you escape from the cells, but they are out of reach. Impossible? It's now up to you to escape the fire and save your lives. You have 60 minutes...


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