About 2000 years ago, the Maya were one of the most influential peoples of South America. Only the partially decayed ruins hint at what secrets this high culture may have taken with them to their grave. Until now. Because by chance, during the blow-up of an old silver mine in the heart of Peru, a shaft was revealed which seems to lead to an ancient temple complex. The complex has neither been discovered nor explored so far and seems to be in good condition. A sensational discovery that calls both tomb robbers and experts alike. You're among the latter, a group of renowned researchers and scientists familiar with the matter and ready for an adventure. Of course, you should not approach the task completely careless, for you know: Where gold and glory beckon, there is usually also a sophisticated system of traps and tests to keep unauthorized persons out. And time is also a crucial factor, as you are definitely not the only ones whose interest has been aroused by the discovery...
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