A LITTLE ADVENTURE CAN'T HURT! What a crazy bunch you are. Old bunkers, abandoned villas, creepy castle ruins, no Lost Place in Mainz and the surrounding area is safe from you. But you haven't really felt a real thrill for a long time, after all, you've already been through everything the Rhein-Main area has to offer. "DO YOU ACTUALLY KNOW...." ...the abandoned insane asylum? The article with insider tips on special Lost Places reads promisingly in the first few lines and makes you want more: Dr. Lutz von Haken was a respected researcher, psychologist and specialist in nervous disorders. He quickly made a name for himself with his specialist clinic. Many celebrities placed their trust in Dr. Lutz von Haken and could count on his discretion. NO ONE SUSPECTED ANYTHING! Since absolutely no details about the nerve clinic leaked out, there was quick speculation and rumors. Who is treated in the clinic and what the hell was he researching in his clinic?
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