Deep in the hostile cold of Antarctica, hidden in the near future, a research team for the Exitus Evil Corporation is breeding bizarre creatures. These creatures are supposed to take control of the minds of every single Earth citizen, thereby completely robbing us of our free will, until we are all just puppets in a world dominated by Exitus. Just one of these scientists has rebelled against this plan for world domination and looked for a way to thwart it. But shortly after he turned to Limbus for help, the entire research team disappeared without a trace from the lab. Every team we have sent there so far has suffered the same fate. The only very weak signal that can still be located under the snow masses seems to come from artificial intelligence. However, due to a geostorm, all power supply has collapsed and no clear signals can be sent from there. And here's where you come in: We're sending you and your team directly to the research station through our Limbus portal to prevent Exitus from completing their research and thus taking over world domination. The research station is so badly damaged by the prevailing geostorm that the entire building threatens to collapse due to the low temperatures within the next 60 minutes. Preventing the plan would be impossible. Quickly, save humanity and come back in one piece! Of course, the latter is optional.
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