The Journey into Madness
Escape game 12+

The Journey into Madness

2 - 6 people66 minutesAverage
Be part of a medical team in the Escape Room adventure 'Journey into Madness'. Dive into the thought world of a patient and save him from the coma. Become a lifesaver in 66 minutes!
BeginnersWith childrenBeginnersBeginnersLarge company

Not scary
Without actorsActors
DeutschGame language
About the escape room

In the Escape Room Adventure "Journey into Madness", you are part of a team of doctors. You are absolute specialists in your field! Whenever it comes to literally delving into the minds of your patients to access important information, you are called upon. Your mission this time is: Immerse yourselves deeply into the thoughts of this patient and try to organize his thoughts. Because only in this way can you bring him out of the coma. He is a highly respected doctor and crucial to the research success of a groundbreaking drug. If you succeed in 66 minutes, you can save your patient!


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