"During the day she tormented people, at night she counted the devil's money," is said in old Aachen about Katharina von Thenen, also known as the Maubach’sche, and murmurs behind closed hands that something is not right in the house of the noble lady. Above all, malicious cats are said to be up to mischief there. Surely the "Countess Mobesin" never suspected that her house would serve today as a museum for Aachen's history and stories ... but who knows whether her spirit does not still wander around there... In an almost forgotten hall of the museum, you can undertake a "time travel" to Aachen of the 17th century (and other times). Who knows, you might even find the "devilish treasure" of the countess - but make sure that you leave the house in time, this little adventure could otherwise end badly.
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